
The PA’ PICAR mixtape and interview series debuts this month with hip hop bogotano crew Patadas al Kraneo! The cross-genre series showcases producers utilizing digital production tools and distribution networks for new levels of artistic agency and self-representation.

Patadas al Kraneo has spent the past eleven years developing their craft of protest hip hop and self-taught production skills, working to strengthen the underground Colombian movement and to bring political injustices at home to light on a worldwide level through their lyrics. The mixtape features original music from their albums Entre el Odio y la Ternura and La Fuerza Elite, and unreleased tracks from their forthcoming album Los Días Antes del Fin.

Special shout thanks to Ernesto Morales for the series’ design! Check the link below for the mixtape, interview and live session at Beat Trafficker Records studios. Much more to come!